Saturday, August 23, 2008

thank god

thank god coz he calm my heart down when my car had been stolen.just now, i feel that there is many rude taxi driver at kl and very messy at pudu station.i really hope that malaysia government can control taxi driver to use metre when fetching passenger.And hope facility of pudu station can enhance.i really feel public transport very wierd and i must earn more comission to buy a car.


星期四晚,我与三个朋友驱车到吧朱吧辖(batu pahat),想在朋友家逗留两晚然后在驾车到马六甲看夏日八度的。在星期五晚,我的朋友驾车载我们去巴士站接另两个朋友,然后再到他的店去唱k.而我的车就泊在他家门外。唱歌时,我们玩得非常开心还在那里打桌球。大概一点左右,我们就开车回家去。到我朋友家时,应该是一点二十分吧。我朋友的妹妹就说“车呢”?我们才发现我的车不在原本的位子,也不知所终了。起初,我们还以为是我朋友的爸爸驾我的车外出了可是钥匙没不见。他爸马上打电话通知警方,说我的车不见了。他妈说大概一点左右,她要上楼睡觉时,把阳台的灯关掉。之后,她听到一阵车笛声也听到几个人在外谈天的声音,以为是隔壁家的人回家所以不以为意.所以,我的车应该是在这个时间被偷的.距离我们回到家的时间二十分钟左右.但,我想就算我们早一步到家后果也是一样的因为匪徒可在我们睡觉时下手.友翰不要不好意思.这不是你的错.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dissapointed to malaysia team

Just now i went watch 2008 olympic games with my friend,badminton MD quarter final.Between KKK&TBH(malaysia) vs Markis Kido & hendra setiawan.Before that,malaysia won all the match when meet indon team but today malaysia team lose dy.Dissapointed,every time also like that.Now only left Lee Chong Wei.Come on Malaysia.

my new blog

Hey,to all my friend.Now ur can look at my latest update through my blog dy.hope that this account can make ur know more about me.Keep in touch with ur(my friend).