Thursday, September 17, 2009

My new hairstlye

Holiday is started. i want to change my hairstyle but i am different to others people because my mum is a hairstylist.

If i change my hair style or colour at KL then sure will get scoled after back home.

If i change it at my mum shop, i have no my opinion to my hair. I asked her worker to dye hair for me, she not allow, and always cut my hair as short as possible like my youngest brother. Still Treat me as a kid. But i love u mummy.

When my new hairstyle will come out. what can i do now? Change. Change.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Two goal at the beginning of 2009

I have two goal from early of this year. First, Great Leo Award. From the beginning i was facing plenty of problem until i reach my target succesfully. i feel thankful. Thanks all the tutor who teached me how to handle all the objection. In agency, i am not only skilled but i had learned plenty of knowledge from the elder person which can make it useful on my life. I will try my best to achieve another goal which is first year promotion. Thanks a lot to sheng yi. Although he did not reached his target, he paid RM 300 and accompany me to Genting let me not felt alone . Appreciate it. Let work together and reach our promotion target on this year.
The second goal for me, offcourse is graduate from Diploma. Before the final result came out, i felt very nervous about my resit paper FA. Let me tell you, i have 3 dream about the result at the night before the reslt hadcome out. One of it is, xue xun me and sheng yi go to take our result together, and when i looked at my FA result, i felt very excited because pass ma and then i look at another two subject which i have confident, get F. i was mad in the dream. On the second day, i checked my result in the real life. i get all pass. Thanks god cause let me graduate from Diploma. At the convocation, i felt excited cause can experienced the happiness with all my coursemate and friend. Currently, we have to work out for the other target. Athough we have already spread to different colleges and universities, i hope that we all can graduate for our goal. Always feel thankful.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What should total debt include?

Just now i went for group discussion. when i do the ratio analysis, no one know what total debt should include. Then we call and ask our friends, no one give a same answer. Some say bank overdraft should include and some one say no. some say all liabilities should be total debt. Can any one tell me the right ans? What should total debt includes?